Monthly status report with photos or videos about the condition of the house and garden
We understand that your property is an important part of your life and that you want it to be in perfect condition at all times.
However, if you are unable to be on site for a long time for professional or personal reasons, it can be difficult to keep track of the condition of your property. That’s where we come in. Our monthly management report is a comprehensive report that contains all the important information about your property. We carry out regular inspections to ensure that your home and garden are in the best condition.
Our experienced staff will document the condition of your property in a detailed description, which can also optionally include photos or videos.
This gives you the ability to remotely monitor the condition of your property and make sure everything is in order.
The report also lists all activities carried out, including any repairs, maintenance or cleaning.
We also provide recommendations on how to maintain your property and optimize its functionality. This way you can be sure that your property will remain in perfect condition, even if you are not on site.
In addition, we are always available for you to answer your questions or offer additional services.
We want you to always feel safe and carefree when it comes to your property.