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Funktionsprüfung und Steuerung der Haustechnik

Functional testing and control of the building services (heating, electricity, water)

Monitoring the functions of heating, electricity and water is about ensuring that these home automation systems are working properly and are available at all times. Heating is a central component of the house and ensures a pleasant indoor climate. Not only the radiators and thermostats but also the boiler, the pump, the pipes and the heating control should be monitored.

In the case of oil heaters, the tank level should be checked regularly and filled in good time to prevent failure due to a lack of heating oil.

The power supply is also an important part of the house and it is important to identify possible weak points early to prevent damage.

In Spain, power failure can occur again and again. After that, it must be ensured that all appliances such as freezer / refrigerator etc. are back in operation.

The function of the water system is also crucial for a functioning house. Not only the water pipes, but also the water connections, taps, fittings and sanitary facilities should be monitored. A regular check can also have a preventive effect here.

Overall, monitoring the functions of heating, electricity and water is an important aspect of our service. Through regular inspections, possible defects and weak points can be detected and remedied at an early stage. This not only contributes to safety, but also to the reduction of energy costs and long-term damage to the house.